Tham khảo Phanxicô_thành_Assisi

  • Friar Elias, Epistola Encyclica de Transitu Sancti Francisci, 1226.
  • Pope Gregory IX, Bulla "Mira circa nos" for the canonization of St. Francis, 19 July 1228.
  • Friar Tommaso da Celano: Vita Prima Sancti Francisci, 1228; Vita Secunda Sancti Francisci, 1246 – 1247; Tractatus de Miraculis Sancti Francisci, 1252 – 1253.
  • Friar Julian of Speyer, Vita Sancti Francisci, 1232 – 1239.
  • St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Legenda Maior Sancti Francisci, 1260 – 1263.
  • Ugolino da Montegiorgio, Actus Beati Francisci et sociorum eius, 1327 – 1342.
  • Fioretti di San Francesco, the "Little Flowers of St. Francis", end of the 14th century: an anonymous Italian version of the Actus; the most popular of the sources, but very late and therefore not the best authority by any means.

For an exhaustive list of sources, see .